Untangling Healthcare
U.S. Healthcare is broken. It’s undeniable. However, finding a solution will take much more than pointing fingers. There isn’t one problem group, just an unbalanced system and good old human nature.

Untangling US Healthcare
U.S. Healthcare is broken. It’s undeniable. However, finding real solutions will take much more than pointing fingers. Rather than one bad actor, blame can be spread from payers to providers; from the way Pharma prices it’s drugs and has become more risk adverse to the way medical schools put students through the ringer and spit them out into the industry laden with debt. This means that we all have responsibility and room to transform our own corner of the healthcare system.
The following three posters are from a challenge Juhan, director of GoInvo, gave me to create a visualization every week that digs into the problems with healthcare. The goal was to learn more about the problem to better identify and assess solutions. Each week, I chose an area of interest, dug into the research, and compiled it in a visualization.
Visual #1
Visual #2
Visual #3
Personal Reflection
This work - to understand the power dynamics and uncover root problems in healthcare - is closely tied to my UI/UX design work. Each project I work on within healthcare lives within a complex context with a nuanced history to back it up. Better understanding the ecosystem and my project fits in and ultimately impacts peoples’ lives is crucial.
Food for thought: What questions do you have about healthcare? What would you dig into if you had time?